Aussie Wood Turning
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Woodturning example - Australian Red Bottle Brush Sphere.
Australian Red Bottle Brush Sphere.

Welcome woodturning example - Australian Red Cedar Candelabra

At Aussie Wood Turning, we pride ourselves on the quality, uniqueness & variety of our Australian hard wood products.

Australian woods have qualities not found in other woods. They are obtained from remote locations in Outback Australia. They offer uniqueness and great variety of hardness, texture, colour, grains and beauty. Due to the harsh, dry and hot desert climate, Australian slow-growing woods such as conkerberry are dense, heavy, hard and full of character. They are difficult to work with, but the beauty of the finished product makes it all worthwhile.

Click on our products link to view samples of our unique work that you can purchase. Many of the products in our catalogue would make unique gifts to friends and loved ones and are very resonably priced.

  Australian Red Cedar Candelabra with Silver Ash rings around the stem.
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